Tuesday, October 30, 2018

Favourite Book #1

I want to write about something, and I think it's good to start with the things that I love to do; reading. And this is one of my favourite books kinda review. And why I love it so much.

To Kill a Mockingbird by Harper Lee

(lunyai, haha)

I read this book when I was 17 or 18. It was my sister's, she bought it as her friend recommended it to her. And as soon I finished this book, it was soon become one of my favourite books! Coincidentally when I was first reading this book, I was in Foundation in Law and reading this book kinda give me a feel like a path I have taken was true haha. That 'Atticus' feels. I love his character so much!

I love the fact that the story was told by a narrative of a 6-year-old child, Scout and she was such an innocent, and frank, especially when there was sometimes she asking Atticus questions. I love the interaction of Scout and her brother, Jem and also about the mysterious ghostly character of Boo Radley. Whenever at first I heard them talking about someone inside the house (their neighbour, Boo Radley), I was actually thinking "Is that guy even exist? Lol". Until the last plot of the book.

This book is dealing with racial inequality, integrity, courage, compassion, kindness, hatred and also humor. The character of Atticus feels so real. He was an embodiment that I somehow want to be. Tried to be. 

In this book, Atticus represented a black man accused of raping a young white woman. The repercussion occurred as the citizen disapproved of his action in defending a black, and called him "nigger-lover". The scene of the trial in open court was interesting and intense.

And as I love this book so much, I recommended to my friends, discussing it with them and my sister. After that, I realized that this book is a classic modern American literature that widely taught in schools in US and maybe in other states too.

Whenever I travel far from home, or just go hiking and away for a few days, I usually always bring along this book. I like to reread a book that I was so familiar with during my favourite time (and tough time). :)

I remembered that I bring this book during hiking, and also I read it when I commenced my first few days of pupillage at my current firm, as I was not assigned to any task.

There are many lines in the book that caught me off guard. And my favourites are:

(source: google)

..and this conversation between Scout and Jem about her class with Miss Gates on that day, when she asked him how someone who hated a crime against the Jews (the Holocaust) but at the same time treated the Black people poorly.

"...how can you hate Hitler so bad an' then turn around and be ugly about folks right at home-" -Scout

(The sequel came yearsss after that, before H. Lee passed away, and I intend to review that book too!)

Friday, October 5, 2018


I was thinking,

whether I want to do this kind of things for the rest of my life.

I am so freaked out of uncertainty.

I was so miserable in this past few weeks. I even caught in fever and cold.

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