Friday, August 24, 2018

Be Kind

So much hatred on social media nowadays. I hate to open my FB or twitter even just to read the news, as I will eventually scroll into some mean comments or status post from the social media friends. It is so easy to be a bully, especially on the internet.

Sometimes I feel it. It is so easy to be hateful. It is so easy to be mean and leave a snarky comment.

It is so hard to be a kind person when you feel like the world only revolves around you. Where people should only see the world the way you see it. Where you think that everybody gets the same privilege as you did, so they should not choose the way that does not fit into your liking.

Isn't it strange? You expect people to respect your belief/opinion, but you refused to give the same kind of respect to the people who have a different belief/opinion than you. You championed your rights of the majority but refused to acknowledge the minority as if they do not have any rights at all. Is this what your religion teaches you for?

In a world of hateful people, please be kind. Religion does not teach you to be hateful towards others. Hate, arrogance, feeling entitled to everything, is not a religious thing.

Ahh, kindness. Please, be kind. It is easy to judge others. But it costs you zero to give other people respect.

Thursday, August 23, 2018


Ternyata yang paling sukar untuk difahami itu adalah hati
di saat perasaan berkecamuk antara kata 'ya' dan 'tidak'

Aku butuh waktu dan ruang 
untuk memikirkan semula tentang segalanya
Semoga Tuhan memaafkan khilafku 
dalam berfikir dan mengorak langkah

Hanya melalui kegelapan, 
seseorang itu bisa menemukan cahaya.

- Yatti Musa Adam

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